The Association of Fil-Am Teachers of America (AFTA), Inc. has united immigrant teachers, strengthening and advancing the profession within their ranks to enable them to achieve their fullest potential and serve their respective communities, both in the U.S. and in the Philippines. Each member has stayed true to its commitment to give back to the Filipino community, implementing projects such as Balikturo, Paaralan sa Konsulado, Adopt-a-School, Books for the Philippines, Adopt-a-Scholar, even free professional development opportunities and service awards for teachers.
The spirit of volunteerism in each member was not dampened by the pandemic, soldiering on in sharing their expertise, experiences, and curriculum with both colleagues in the U.S. and their Philippine counterparts. The kind of service they extend to the Filipino community in the U.S. and in the motherland serves as inspiration to their fellow teachers and individuals to show the true meaning of service and dedication.