Geraldine Acuña Sunshine has dedicated her life to the service of Filipinos, mentoring and providing emotional support for those suffering from nerve disease via the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Collaborative Center for X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism (CCXDP) and the Sunshine Care Foundation for Neurological Care and Research (SCF). She leads both organizations in finding a cure for XDP, a disease prone to males, while providing comprehensive support for affected patients and their families. As a non-profit, SCF serves over 200 patients from indigent communities in the Philippines, providing them the necessary care, medication, and support.
As a philanthropist, she has taken the initiative to support young social innovators working towards solving pressing global issues via The Resolution Project–a global non-profit fostering youth leadership development via collaborative social entrepreneurship. She willingly takes time to serve as a support system for Filipino students from Manila, inspiring them to take part in community building efforts that strengthen the Filipino identity and culture as they build connections with lasting impact.
Atty. Sunshine holds the distinction as the first Filipino American to be appointed to Harvard’s Board of Overseers.